FREB is part of the network of collaborators of the Vietnam National University of Agriculture

The Fondation Rose et Blanc (FREB) is now officially part of the network of 100+ collaborators of the Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA). This Tuesday, December 3, the President of the Fondation Rose et Blanc (FREB) Sophia Martelly signed a memorandum of understanding with the Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) represented by the…

Distribution of school kits at Péguy-Ville

Distribution of school kits and vouchers by the Fondation Rose et Blanc (FREB) at Relax park (Péguy-Ville, Pétion-Ville). More than 950 school kits and vouchers worth 500 gourdes each were distributed to children of Girardo, Meyotte, Bobin, Berthé, Chalosca, Route Frère, Marie Thérèse, Toussine, Péguy-Ville, Morne Hercule, Jalousie, Brisetout, Deshermites, Morne Lazarre, Flippo. At FREB, we promote…